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“I can be changed by what happens to me. But I refuse to be reduced by it.”
— Maya Angelou


Internal age is determined by a measure of Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity. A younger person would have a slower pulse wave velocity as a function of the resistance of the pliable healthy tissue. Therefor the pulse wave can be an indirect assessment of Aortic Stiffness and aging due to chronological age or disease. (above measure taken 2021)

What I will describe to you next is how I overcame genetic limitations, an unhealthy work ethic, a nutritional disease and “achieved the vitality I was evolutionarily meant to have”. It may come across as heavily sport oriented. I will offer that without health, none of my progress would be possible. The fitness accomplishment is a result of in depth knowledge of health.

You benefit from my real world personal experience and challenges.

I am a true ectomorph with all the challenges that go with that. I started lifting around 1980 while in the Navy. But for a long time I was thin and unable to gain weight no matter how much I ate (some people envied that!). In 2004, the reason was diagnosed. I had Celiac Disease.

In general, Celiac is an allergy to the “gluten” protein found in food-grains like wheat, rye, and barley. The body invokes an autoimmune response to this protein causing the intestines to impair the body’s ability to absorb nutrients. It is a genetic disorder that affects at least 1 in 133 Americans. In addition, it is not uncommon for those with gluten allergies to also be lactose intolerant.

From 2004 onward I was on a quest to push aside these obstacles, making adjustments to my nutrition to avoid allergies that were impeding my fitness and rebuild my body to the fullest extent naturally and genetically possible.

Having Celiac Disease made the nutrition effort very tricky and a single slip would cripple a gym workout with bloating or abdominal irritation and pain. Simple foods like carbohydrates, spices, and sauces can contain gluten. For example soy sauce has wheat in it. Vitamins can have coatings that contain gluten. Protein powders can have flavorings that include gluten in their ingredients, and whey protein is a milk product that can contain lactose.

I switched from one brand name supplement manufacturer to another running into problems. One manufacturer even included something called “glutamine peptides” in their protein which is derived from hydrolyzed wheat protein.

I struggled for a while with discomfort not knowing why. I knew glutamine as a safe and conditionally essential amino acid, but did not know that when created in a peptide form that it was derived from wheat. I tried some brands utilizing protein mixes which include protein concentrates of which I had reactions to. So I tried a brand that was “98%” lactose free thinking 2% wouldn’t bother me, but over time it did. Nutrition was like running a clinical trial trying not to change more than one variable at a time so that when I did have a reaction, I could pin point the culprit.

Over time I was able to be smart about food choices and fortunate enough to find a supplement company whose products I was able to confidently use and feel safe with because of the pure ingredients and a proactive approach to manufacturing and labeling appropriate to consumers with allergies.

I started at a full 135lb total weight, with a lean mass probably around 110lbs. By around 2007 I had reached the 190 lbs mark and by 2012 I had broken that plateau to 215 lbs. My lean mass was at its theoretical maximum of 165 lbs. From there I got into true shape, reduce the body fat and entered my first natural bodybuilding competition on November 4, 2012 placing third in the Grand Master category.

I now research and implement approaches to lifestyle that allow me to achieve the vitality I was evolutionary meant to have. I "PreHab" my health! The approaches are typically the opposite of what we would think effective. I put in less effort and achieve greater health.

"Hormesis" - Your health depends on it