• Plantar fasciitis has accounted for more than 1 million doctor visits per year.

  • Low back pain is one of the major forms of musculoskeletal degeneration affecting nearly 80% of all adults.

  • An estimated 80,000 to 100,000 anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries occur annually with 70% to 75% being non contact injuries.

  • Shoulder pain occurs in up to 21% of the general population.

Postural and movement assessments vet out these deficiencies so they may be corrected before adding increased load and intensity from daily functional activities or exercise in order to prevent injury.

These assessments can be done in person or remotely:

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This includes photographs of movements and then evaluation of these movement from the photos/videos

A plan for Corrective Exercise such as Self Myofacial Message, Stretching and Training to correct deficiencies is the next step.

There are two separate sections: 1) Static Postural and Transitional Movement Assessment & 2) Dynamic Movement Assessment

The Corrective Exercise Plan is a 3rd section separate from the above two as it will be unique to each individual.

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